
What is Crew Resource Management in Marine Industry?

A set of training techniques called Crew Resource Management (CRM) is intended for use in settings where human factors influence safety and effectiveness. CRM strives to enhance crew members’ collaboration, decision-making, and communication skills.

It is now commonly acknowledged that CRM is applicable to all safety-critical businesses, not just the aviation sector. Any team functioning in a high-pressure setting with a narrow margin for error needs good CRM abilities.

Communication, situational awareness, stress management, leadership, and teamwork are common themes covered in CRM training. The objective is to support crew members in making better judgments in all facets of their work and working together more productively.

Singapore Offshore Management

The practise of forming and operating a company in Singapore that is registered in another nation is known as offshore management in Singapore. The primary goal of this procedure is to reduce any taxes and obligations that the business may incur in its native country.

Offshore management is not a novel idea in Singapore, and many businesses and individuals have employed it throughout the years. The two main justifications for establishing an offshore company in Singapore are to benefit from the favourable tax laws and to shield the assets of the business from creditors.

The process of incorporating an offshore company in Singapore is relatively simple and can be done online. The company will need to appoint a registered agent in Singapore and open a bank account. Once the company is registered, it will be required to file annual returns and pay an annual fee to the Singapore authorities.

The benefits of setting up an offshore company in Singapore are numerous. The company will be able to minimize its tax liabilities and protect its assets from creditors.

Marine Onshore Recruitment

Finding and hiring employees for tasks that are headquartered onshore, or on land, is known as marine onshore recruitment. Jobs in the construction, oil and gas, and other sectors may fall under this category.

Recruitment for marine onshore positions might be tough because it can be hard to locate people who are willing to work in outlying areas. Additionally, the procedure may require businesses to foot the bill for employee travel and lodging.

But there are other ways to simplify the marine onshore recruitment procedure. For instance, businesses can reach a larger prospect pool by using social media and online job sites.

Agency for Marine Crew Recruitment in Singapore

Marine crew with experience and qualifications are constantly in demand by recruitment firms in Singapore. There are numerous companies that provide excellent pay and benefits, and the majority are searching for crew members that are dependable and have a strong work ethic.

It’s critical to do your homework on the various hiring organisations before submitting an application if you’re interested in working as a marine crew member in Singapore. Ask about the kinds of positions that are available, the requirements, and the salary range.

It can be challenging to find employment as a marine crew member in Singapore, but with the correct tools and perseverance, you can succeed.

What is the significance of hiring a crew and ship management company?

A crucial component of the crew and ship management that includes monitoring all of the many tasks performed by the personnel on board boats is their services. The management of crew and ships involves several actions taken by crew management firms and the media they control.

For the manning of ships under a crew management agreement, the Indian crew management business is acceptable. High-quality recruiting officers are employed by crew and ship management organizations, operating outside the traditional network of fully controlled cruising offices in the primary seafaring sourcing center and an extended network of third-party businesses.

It is managed by seasoned crew superintendents who hire and assign crew while taking into account specific customer needs. They are in charge of each ship under crew management. The administration and crew of the ship provide an extensive network of help for the crew based on their areas of interest, the scope of responsibility, and daily needs.

How does a crew and ship management company contribute?

The management of ships is a difficult operation. The shipping firms in Singapore are responsible for a variety of tasks that must be completed before, during, and after the process of controlling the ship. Authorizing the ship is the fundamental task that a ship management business must complete.

Therefore, crew management is a crucial component of the transportation sector, particularly in shipping. Seafarers who employ effective crew and ship management get thorough career overviews, graphs, and other data they need to fill expected positions and find enough authorized crew units to plan ship crew deployment.

A sound crew and ship management system must eventually make cruise safe possible. Strong cruising has many benefits, including the improvement of responsibility and accountability, improved retention of sailors with a higher sense of community, more effective ship maintenance, and faster delivery.

In Singapore, Nimbus is a well-known provider of ship crew management services. They offer top-notch technical ship management through a group of passionate, qualified, and knowledgeable managers and sailors. They develop plans and strategies for the unique requirements of ships and owners.

All of the company’s initiatives aim to assist our principals actively. Their main goal is to maintain the ship’s possession quality at a reasonable price. By doing this, they make sure that the ship is, to the greatest extent, constantly operationally ready and that its classification complies with local environmental laws, flag state rules, and all other laws and specifications.

You can visit the website of Nimbus to learn about other services connected to crew and ship management and to gain an extensive understanding of their prestigious services.

Benefits of Outsourcing the Crew Management Service!

The crew is all in all in ship management. Crew is actually the heart and soul of a ship. As a matter of fact crew is one of the most essential elements of a ship and its cost is among the highest costs centers in the running of a vessel. Hence, it is vitally crucial that the ship owners stay ensured that their vessels are being manned by the qualified, experienced, proficient and reliable crew members. So the big question is – should your crew be managed by in-house team or should it be outsourced?

I am pretty sure that this question would definitely be triggering the minds of many ship owners who are faced with the challenge of manning their vessels. Quite obviously, doing the job internally by your own in-house crew management team will enable better cost control and lower the expenses also than the outsourcing ones. But there are several other benefits that you experience by outsourcing the proficient crew management service.

Here I have outlined a number of benefits which owners gain from outsourcing the crew through the appointment of a crew manager.

Saving On Extra Costs – When in-house staff is hired for crew management, the company has to incur the additional cost and hassle of hiring. In addition, the company has to also make sure that the right infrastructure and right equipment is there to ensure the smooth operation. But if the crew management is outsourced, the owner may save on these costs.
Hassle free operation – Who doesn’t want to have the hassle free ship management? Aren’t you? Outsourcing means the same. By outsourcing the crewing needs, you can actually ensure a hassle free operation as all the logistics in crew management will be handled by the outside specialists who will relieve owners from the burden, caused through changes in the schedules of vessels, changes in planning of crew, conflicts of crew on board, planning and promotions on board, sickness and injury cases, premedical and certification verification and visa arrangements.
Fixed Pricing – When the crew management system is outsourced, the ship owner is expected to get a fixed cost for the expense on ship management. Hence, the owner knows upfront how much he will be cost for the crew management as the price is fixed for the duration of the contract.

To sum up, outsourcing the crew management system relieves ship owners from the workload connected to the manning of their ships. It gives them the time to focus on other areas which are more important to their business.

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3 Failsafe Steps That Can Help You Get a Job on a Cruise Ship

Getting paid to travel all around the world sounds too good to be true, right?

Well, get ready to have your mind blown because people who are involved in ship crew jobs get the benefit of trotting the globe while watching their bank accounts grow, which is one of the many perks that come along with the job.

However, it is not all about walking along the coastline on white sand beaches while sipping on Margaritas, though that happens quite a lot. All folks working on a cruise ship not only party hard but also work twice as hard.

What types of jobs are there?

Cruise ships are like floating resorts; sort of cities in the sea. If you have recently returned from a long getaway on a cruise or seen Titanic (the movie), you already have a fair idea about what a cruise vacation offers: entertainment, gala time, and of course worldwide travel.

Did you know there are over 300 types of jobs aboard ocean liners and more than a dozen different type of opportunities at various firm’s branches spread across the world? Just picture yourself traveling to all the places you ever dreamt of while making money!

These ships are staffed by many boating, hospitality, and service professionals. A crew is set in place to look after every facet of the ship’s operation,maintenance &management, and ensure that everything goes smoothly.

Who do they hire?

This is where things get really exciting. Cruise lines are constantly on the hunt for people with experience in a wide array of domains such as hospitality, tourism, bars & restaurant, childcare, customer relations, sales, marketing, health & beauty, administration, financial management, etc. And you thought that city in the sea thing was a mere exaggeration?

For all the people with ship jobs on a cruise, there is but one priority – to make sure the guests have a fun, safe, and extraordinary experience!In order to cover all these bases, cruise lines hire responsible and competent people with a lot of zest and positive attitude.

How can you get hired?

If you think providing outstanding customer service while exploring countless ports around the world sounds fascinating, then you will definitely do one heck of a job on cruises! Here are the three steps which will get you onboard in no time:

Step #1: Know the players

The first thing you need to do is familiarize yourself with the key players. Once it is done, you will figure out who is more likely to hire you. Which are the most prosperous cruise lines? Are they adding new ships to their existing fleet? If yes, then apply there first.

Also, get to know the prospective employer’s offerings. Where do the ships head off to? What facilities or programs is it known for? And most importantly, what kind of people will be onboard? In a way, the passengers are your ultimate employer as you are hired for their well-being.

The various facilities and programs offered by the cruises also define who lands with a job. For example, companies with many state-of-the-art fitness centers, salon and spas, etc.will understandably hire more aromatherapists, fitness therapists, masseurs, and stylists.

Step #2: Zero in on a job

Select a few job opportunities that interest you and compare their duties & responsibilities with your background. You will find that your previous work experience or education can be easily converted into a job with a free world tour!

Added to that, you also learn about various certifications or skills that you can acquire to improve your candidature. Here are a few things that will help you get aboard: practice public speaking as much as you can, study a foreign language, get certified for CPR or lifesaving skills.

Step #3: Market yourself

The last step is to market your self appropriately. Find out what you have to offer and make sure the hiring manager sees it as well. It is actually not that hard; target your resume and cover letter towards the job you want and show how your education, work experience, and skill set make you the right fit for the opening.

Instead of simply listing out your accomplishments, show how they can prove to be beneficial to the cruise line. To further strengthen your odds, apply early. However, do not keep pestering them through incessant phone calls, instead, send follow up e-mails.

The Bottom Line

Crew ship jobs offer a plethora of benefits with almost no downsides at all! They pay really well, every penny you earn is your saving because there are no expenses on board; food, gas, electricity, etc., everything is free! What else can you possibly ask for? For updates on the current ship jobs, give us a call at +65 66357605 or drop a message at enquiry@nimbusmaritime.com

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Effective Maritime Training Courses for Sculpting Proficient Seafarers

The shipping industry, also termed as ‘the invisible industry’ by many, is crucial for the existence of global economy. It’s a well-known fact that 90 percent of the world’s food, raw material, oil & fuel, and other manufactured goods are delivered by sea. However, only a few people know about the hardships and challenges that a Seafarer faces.

Sea is not a safe place; it’s like a war zone. Seafarers risk their lives to keep others alive and happy. Sometimes, even precious lives are lost just because the crew was not prepared for dealing with contingencies. Fortunately, this risk can be eliminated by giving proper maritime training services to the crew members.

Some offshore survival training includes BOSIET, STCW, and Pre-sea training courses. These courses aim to provide seafarers the essential training and education in personal survival techniques, social responsibilities, elementary first aid, firefighting & fire prevention, and proficiency in security awareness.

1. BOSIET Course

Often offshore workers have to spend countless days in an inflatable life raft or a dinghy boat. Unless they are trained correctly, it can be hard for them to complete their journey successfully. The Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) details every minor and major aspect that needs to be considered and remembered by the crew members. It helps workers to perform all the necessary tasks in case of any emergency situation. This course focuses on the following maritime training services & elements.

Search and rescue techniques

According to various studies, it’s proven that seafarers have to travel through the perilous pirate-infested zone at least once in their lifetime. And till date, pirates have captured many seamen and held them as hostages and also high-jacked several ships. But in spite of fear and all the risks involved, they continue their duties through these piracy affected areas. By learning rescue techniques, dangers can be minimized to the extent possible. It includes helicopter, craft, and rope rescue as the mainframe rescue vessel.

Basic safety training

In this program, all workers and shore-based management learn the basic understanding of challenges & hazards of an offshore environment and skills to effectively respond to various emergencies. Also, they are trained to deal with erupting fires and other critical care aspects.

First aid training

Performing offshore operations is a high-risk job, as many accidents can happen during the work. We all know that ships and platforms are stationed far from the coast, so it is necessary to have a basic or advanced knowledge of first aid. It will help to assist other fellow members in case of a medical emergency.

Firefighting training

Workers acquire the knowledge and necessary skills to manage and extinguish a fire in the home or port environment. They learn to use various self-rescue techniques and firefighting equipment such as a portable fire extinguisher, blanket, smoke hood, and small bore hose reels.

2. Pre-sea training

As per stipulation from Directorate General (DG) of Shipping, all candidates desirous of carving out a career as an offshore officer or engineer have to undergo pre-sea training ashore. In this course, trainees practice and implement semi or full-military activities such as parade march, physical training, boat rowing, swimming, etc. This practice is essential for anyone who wants to work offshore as an engine cadet, deck cadet, or junior engineer.

3. Post-sea STCW 2010

Completing the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) courses is one of the necessities for a candidate to qualify as a mariner. A seaman needs to complete STCW courses before it is deemed secure for him to fight the fiercest sea. The STCW 95 convention on standards was set up first in 1978 and later amended in 1995. That’s why it is referred as STCW-95. On the same line, it was again modified in 2010. Recently, the DG of shipping has duly ordered the conduct of STCW 2010, hence it has become essential to complete these courses before joining the marine. Existing seafarers who have STCW 95 are also obliged to attend the refresher courses.

Skills and techniques candidates study in this course are:

  • Personal survival techniques;
  • Advanced Fire prevention & firefighting courses;
  • Personal safety & social responsibility;
  • Proficiency in survival craft and rescue operations;
  • Basic training in oil & gas tanker cargo operations, and more.

Justification of evolving these offshore courses can be understood from their nature and purpose. These practices help a seafarer to become competent on a ship under harsh conditions at sea and deal with various offshore challenges.

Choosing maritime training services in Singapore or nearby areas is one of the critical factors to meet the operational requirement of a vessel and maximize the crew’s safety.

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Understanding the Nuances of Port Agency

There are numerous international shipping ports present across the world. Hence, having offices and employees on all of them is not really a viable option for the ship operators. After all, the next destination always depends on the clients’ requirement.

This is where port agency comes to the ship owners’ rescue. It acts as the owner’s eyes & ears and ensures a smooth and safe operation of the vessel. This way, the agent keeps the ship sailing, and the profits flowing.

The agency takes this challenging front-line role. From fulfilling the everyday duties and taking care of the legal aspect associated with shipping to maintaining the bulk of documentation, a port agency helps its clients to navigate through murky waters of the maritime industry.

What does a Port Agency do?

The captain approaches an agency so that an adequate mooring area is allotted to the ship and all the paperwork is well taken care of. It also informs and advises the clients on custom duties and other government procedures which the ship might be subjected to upon arrival.

One of the best things about hiring good agencies is that they are physically present when the vessel arrives. They oversee all the necessary procedures and make sure that all of them are completed without any hiccups. As a result, everything keeps moving, which creates reliability and trust between the operators and the agency.

In addition to them, it is also responsible for coordinating and supervising various activities (including port calling, from booking a berth and other services ahead of ship’s arrival) to maintaining accounts and getting all the paperwork in order after the vessel’s departure. It acts as a conduit for the exchange of information between the ship and authorities on the port.

It is evident that port agency plays an extremely crucial role in the international maritime and shipping industry. Hence, it does not come as a surprise that ship owners look for agents who demonstrate complete proficiency with commercial, safety, and statutory regulations set forth by International Maritime Organization (IMO).

It needs to be fully aware of the industry norms and rules so that any delays arising out of failure to comply or meet the regulations can be avoided. The agency also needs to have cordial relations with a variety of port operators, regulators, and service providers so that the operations of the vessel remain unaffected under all circumstances.

What are its responsibilities?

There are over 130 operations that form part of an agency’s undertaking. Whilst it is highly unlikely to perform all of them for every single port call, an agency needs to possess the vast ocean of knowledge and experience, and more importantly, keep itself updated with the latest developments of the industry.

Some of the operations are listed below: –

  • Search for a berth before the ship’s arrival;
  • Arrange some pilot & tugboats;
  • Prepare documentation for customs and other harbor services;
  • Act as the middleman between ship, harbor, and port authorities;
  • Arrange the necessary provisions;
  • Get the repairs done;
  • Convey directions to & from the operator;
  • Organize handling, supply, and transporting of cargo;
  • Collect freight;
  • Arrange some spare bunkers, if needed;
  • Liaise with the shippers & receivers of the cargo;
  • Deal with the insurance company in case of any damage.

The Bottom Line

To sum it up, when a ship sits idle on a port, it makes no money and wastes a lot of precious time. The port agency’s duty is to keep the port-visits as short as possible and maximize the vessel’s profitability. It won’t be wrong to say that a good agency will go a long way in increasing your earnings.

We are the leading port agency in Singapore. You can rely on our team to look after all the needs of your ship right from the moment it drops the anchor till the time it leaves. To know more about our services, you can reach out to us at +65 66357605 or drop a message on enquiry@nimbusmaritime.com.

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5 Seafarer Recruitment Scams You Need to be Aware of

Several reports from prominent marine research institutes suggest that sea is short of thousands of mariners, and this number is set to grow exponentially. The maritime industry is facing challenges with seafarer recruitment, and it seems like the situation will only get worse.

It is beyond a shadow of a doubt that if you are a skilled sailor, an ocean of opportunities await you. Literally. However, it has a downside. Because of the sheer abundance of jobs, many people are not very careful when hunting for a new opportunity.

It turns them into easy picking for fraudsters who prey on unsuspecting individuals. Employment scams have a reputation for inflicting significant damage to your image as well as bank balance. You obviously would not want a red flag hanging on your back, right?

Don’t worry. We have compiled a list of 5 scams which are used to dupe and exploit innocent mariners. Make sure you do not fall for any of them.

1. Fake Agency

There is nothing more unfortunate than coming across a promising recruitment agency that offers you the perfect job, only to later realize it was bogus. A “phony” agency often has everything to impersonate a real one –a website, contact numbers, e-mail addresses, etc.

Such websites also flaunt several lucrative jobs, not to mention an outstanding record of successful recruitments. On the flip side, you also need to stay careful with agencies that appear too guarded with box numbers, vague addresses, and no real contact info.

In either case, you should activate your ‘look-closely’ mode. Check the e-mail address and domain. If the company uses free mailing service (e.g.,Yahoo, Gmail, MSN, etc.), then it is not what it claims to be.

2. Pay for Job

Many scams try to rip people off their hard-earned money. Miscreants thrive on some people’s desperation to land a job. They typically promise a job after a one-time payment. This sum is usually demanded in the name of: –

  • Procedure
  • Admission Fee
  • Recruitment Fee
  • Air Fare
  • Visa
  • Work Permit
  • Security

… And so on. These agencies promise to return the money once the mariner gets the job. Unfortunately, that seldom happens.

According to the conventions of International Maritime Organization (IMO), you cannot be asked to pay for a job before you get it. A company which does not even know about it is likely to be fake.

3. Reveal it All

Another seafarer recruitment scam you need to watch out for is where your personal information is enquired at the beginning of the recruitment process. You could be asked for your sensitive info such as bank details (on the pretext of making payments at a later stage), and even passport and certificates.

It forms part of a very large-scale scam that aims at stealing your identity. Trust us – you DO NOT want to deal with the mess it can create. Not to forget the never-ending useless e-mails your inbox will get flooded with.

4. Phishing

This time, you receive an e-mail stating a company has clients with positions of your interest.To entice you, it might also feature a description of what appears to be a legitimate opening. However, there is no such vacancy.

You cannot directly apply for the job. Instead, you are directed towards a link on a website, where you are asked to provide your contact and other personal information. This is a text book phishing attempt where your information is sold to a third party and could be used for marketing purposes. Now you know how marketers get your details for the endless calls and e-mails!

5. Unemployment

Some scammers also target unemployed seafarers by promising to file their unemployment insurance claim for a certain fee. They might even claim to have a connection in your State Labor Department through which they can expedite your claim.

Unfortunately, there is no benefit of paying someone to file your claim. As a matter of fact, some states even prohibit anyone from accessing the unemployment system except the claimant. You should file your claim on your own via the official website or by phone. Using a paid service will not reduce the turnaround time.

These were some of the common seafarer recruitment scams which you need to protect yourself from. Remember, there is no better defense against such malpractices than prudence. We hope this post will assist you to steer clear of such scammers. Good luck with your search!

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Functions of Flag State in the Present Day Shipping Industry

A major chunk of ship owners avails professional flag state services to look after their fleet’s flag requirements. Let’s find out why!

One of the biggest decisions ship owners need to make pertains to the flag they choose to sail on the vessel. What makes this tough is the fact that there are so many flags to choose from, and each one comes with its own set of pros and cons. Every shipowner faces this dilemma when:

  • Registering a new build;
  • Changing flag due to needs of the business; or
  • Concluding a bareboat contract.

Shipowners have the complete freedom to register vessel from their preferred state. Their main focus is on minimizing costs and maximizing revenue. If an owner wants to use an open registry, there are many options which offer similar registration terms.

However, there are a couple of key differences worth pointing out. This post examines some of those differences along with the factors which shippers need to take into account before they land on a decision.Let’s delve deeper into the subject.

How does it work?

Every merchant ship needs to be registered to a particular state. It is then bound to display the flag of the said state and follow the set of rules &regulations set forth by the same.

However, not all vessels are registered in their owners’ country of origin. The country which registers the ship and grants it the legal rights to operate is the flag state. When this registration is in a different state than the owner’s home country, then it is known as Flag of Convenience (FOC).

The vessel in question has to follow all the rules, protocols, and stipulations set by their respective flag state as well as the rules and requirements of navigating through international waters.

If a country wants to be deemed as a flag state, it needs to showcase the essential maritime infrastructure (financial as well as technical).Furthermore, it should adhere to the Code of Conduct established by various International Maritime Organizations (IMO).

In case any registered ship fails to comply with the imposed norms, the country listed as a flag state needs to be prepared to impose an unbiased penalty on the offending vessel.

Flag State vs. Port Agency

A state is called Flag State when it is registered in its own country – the ships carry its flag. A Port State is any country with its international port. Let’s consider a ship registered in Hong Kong anchored in the port of Singapore.

In this example, Hong Kong is the flag state and Singapore is the Port State.

Each member (flag state) is required to assign dedicated Port State officers. These officers will inspect the ships according to the international legislation, not the national one.

For instance, an inspector from flag state Hong Kong will examine a ship in Singapore according to the legislation of Hong Kong. So, the inspection will check for the minimum regulation of the conventions ratified by Singapore in addition to the regulations of Hong Kong.

The port state officer will look at all the conventions in play from the ILO and IMO, and won’t take the additional legislation in consideration. For example,if Hong Kong did not ratify one of the conventions, the port state officer will still look into the conventions, while the flag state inspector will not do the same.

That’s all for now. For more information on maritime, recruitment, or flag state services, contact us @ +65 66357605. Or drop a message: enquiry@nimbusmaritime.com

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4 Sensible Interview Answers That WILL Land You a Crew Job

It is no secret that shipping industry is the current hot-seller for many job-lookers across the world. And why wouldn’t it be? After all, it is the most preferred way of transporting goods for a major proportion of manufacturing units.

There are many individuals who are head over heels about the oceans and would love to tread them for a living. Some people wait until retirement to live their dream. Those who cannot wait for that long should consult a distinguished Crew Recruitment Company in Singapore.

The shipping industry is growing and is always in need of able mariners. However, getting in is no child’s play as every firm only wants highly professional, energetic,and dedicated people. This is the reason why many individuals are unable to grab the job despite having the right skill set.

It does not matter whether it is your first time working in the sea or you are a seasoned sailor, these four tips will make sure that you get hired:

1. Tell me about yourself.

Focus on things related to the job; this is what the interviewer is primarily interested in.

Personal history is important, but do not narrate it right from the beginning. Instead, start with what makes you the right pick for the job. The key to a successful interview is how you match yourself with the requirements of the job. You have to sell what the buyer wants to buy.

You should also think of a story that outlines your professional qualities. For example, if you say that people describe you as driven, cite a small instance where you fought against the odds and achieved something spectacular at your previous job. People always remember powerful stories.

2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

This question aims to comprehend your qualities that will prove to be beneficial if you are hired along with the problematic areas, which is why it is important to give an innovative answer.

When talking about strengths, mention only 2-3 skills which fall in line with the job you have applied for. Avoid long answers or cliché, use specific evidence to back your claim.

When it comes to weaknesses, give a confident response which shows that you have done some serious self-evaluation and can accept constructive criticism. An honest answer which tells how you plan on removing this obstacle will go a long way in getting you the role you want.

3. A situation where you didn’t get along with a superior?

The purpose of this question is to check how you react when things do not go your way. Some of the wrong answers which people give are, “Fortunately, I have never worked for someone I did not get along.” Or, “I fell out with the Captain’s wife.”

The mariners are a closely-knit community, and your potential captain might as well know the former one. This is why a diplomatic answer is paramount.

Everyone has been in a situation where they disagreed with their captain. If you say otherwise, the recruiter will question your integrity. It can also act as a red signal that you are not seasoned enough or have not been in tough situations which require someone with thick skin.

It is quite natural for people to have contrasting opinions; after all, we are only human, right? You can explain that you gave your reasons and were open to other options so that a small difference of opinion did not hamper your work.

4. Why do you want to work in this industry?

It is a common question which is often thrown at newbies. Sometimes, even experienced candidates are asked why they chose the shipping industry. This makes it important to think of a brief story which highlights everything that sparked an initial interest to why you love your job.

Also, try and point out the similarities between your former job and the one you are seeking. As a result, you will come off as a well-prepared individual who is passionate about his work and ready to face new challenges that come along with the new job.


You can further increase your odds of getting selected by applying through a veteran onshore or offshore recruitment agency. Good agencies have their goodwill at stake, which is why they only refer the best candidates. It can also guide you regarding the role and kind of candidate the shipowner is looking for. Good luck!

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Hiring a Dependable Marine Crew Recruitment Agency Now Made Easy

In the last few years, the shipping industry has developed by heaps and bounds. The massive boost in this sector has mainly been contributed by tourism and businesses around the globe. Now, a vast majority of people prefer to travel or transport cargo via ocean liners.

Undoubtedly, shipping businesses are flourishing. While this exponential growth surely brings a huge grin on the owners face, it is essential that they add the required seafarers to their fleet to ensure that they continue to provide quality services to people.

Hiring a new mariner is an extremely vital and time-consuming process for every company. When we talk about a shipping company, time is of the essence. A vessel cannot afford to reach its destination late so as to stay in the good books of their clients.

In order to hire a skilled sailor, you will need to scour through the resumes, conduct interviews, etc., all of which takes a significant amount of time. It can keep you away from other pressing matters related to your business.

If you do not have enough time to go through the hiring process, then you should consider using a Maritime Crew Recruitment Agency to take care of all your hiring needs – but how to be certain that the firm you are partnering with is up for the job?

Do not fret because we have put together a list of tips which will help you to choose the right agency. Let’s take a look at them:

1. Specialization

General recruitment firms are great for organizations which need new employees for a number of roles. However, if your needs are a little more specialized, then you should look for an agency with expertise in your field, which in your case would be onshore and offshore recruitment.

It means that not only you benefit from the recruiters’ knowledge of the market but also gain access to a team of dedicated professionals that understands your needs in relation to skill and experience. An added advantage of specialized recruitment firms is that they often attract better candidates than generic recruitment firms, thus providing you better access to the top talent in the industry.

2. Recruitment and Hiring Strategies

Before arriving at a conclusion, it is crucial that you ask recruitment firms about the hiring strategies they use. The seasoned agencies often employ techniques such as a pre-screening test to ensure that the candidates are as proficient as they claim to be; and when you ask to review such steps, it gives you an insight into the resourcefulness of the onshore and offshore recruitment agency. If you feel like their strategies are not up to the mark, then you should move on to the next firm.

3. Reputation Matters

Just like any other business, public opinion and reputation are paramount in the recruitment industry. It is fairly easy for a company to make tall claims about its hiring skills, but what its clients have to say might be an entirely different story. An agency with a couple of loyal and repeating clients ought to make for a better choice than the one having a ton of clients who never returned.

4. Customer Service

As a client of a reputed recruitment agency, the quality of service that you receive should be nothing short of impeccable. You should not feel confused or abandoned throughout the hiring process, and lines of communication should always remain open. If you are having trouble in reaching someone from the agency — even in the consultation stage — consider it a sign to look in the other direction.

5. The Candidate Pool

At the end of the day, the most important part of a recruitment agency is its candidate pool. The primary goal of a good agency is to match you with the best-suited candidates, but if the agency’s network is small and untested, the services you will get will be less than stellar.

Looking for commendable talent takes significant effort, and internal HR can drill a hole in your pocket. That’s why many ship owners now prefer offshore and onshore recruitment agencies. So, relieve yourself of this additional burden and hire an agency to take care of it!

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A Glimpse of Crew Recruitment Services & How They Help Ship Owners

Nowadays, many people prefer massive ships for a rejuvenating vacation or transporting goods. If you happen to be the owner of one or more vessels that fit the shoe, then you’re in luck! However, mere ownership is not enough for turning your business into a money minting venture.

The crew is the heart and soul of every vessel. It makes sure that everything is in order, which is of paramount importance because the safety of human lives and expensive cargo depends on it. Hence, it is essential that your vessel is manned with an experienced, reliable, and qualified crew.

Unfortunately, many owners have a hard time in finding skilled mariners for the ships. When the stakes are that high, one lousy employee can cost you millions of dollars’ worth of damages. You obviously would not want anything like that, right?

Luckily, owners can leverage Crew Recruitment Services to get rid of this problem.

What is Crew Management?

It incorporates many activities which are solely looked after by the hired agency. The Crew Management Company is responsible for sourcing, recruitment, selection, deployment, and training of recruits as well as management of existing seafarers onboard.

It is the efficiency and caliber of a crew which facilitates the performance and growth of the ship. These qualities, however, vary from person to person. It is the duty of a marine crewing agency to screen the potential recruits and ensure that they are up for the job.

However, you might still be wondering if hiring one is a viable option. Well, the following points outline the benefits of availing these services. They will help you to decide whether they are worth a shot or not:
     • Hassle free

One of the biggest advantages of having your workforce requirements looked after by a professional agency is that it relieves you of the excess stress which may arise while dealing with promotions, conflicts, injuries, change in plans of the crew, visa arrangements, and so on.

In addition to them, it is essential to make sure that the crew is handled cautiously, keeping in mind their diverse nationalities, cultures, and beliefs. Factors like these might seem trivial, but they play a significant role in decision-making.

A professional crewing company provides not only the needed manpower but also proficient managers who can keep things under control. This way, you can lay your undivided attention on growing your business.

     • Bigger pool of seafarers

When you recruit through a renowned Maritime Crew Recruitment Agency, it automatically extends your reach; the reason being leading recruitment agencies often have a global presence which allows them to search from a larger pool of seafarers.

Furthermore, the selection process of a professional recruitment company along with the candidate’s previous employment contracts on record ensures that only the individuals with spotless track records are selected to work onboard. This significantly reduces the odds of employing the wrong person.

     • Fixed Pricing

Another advantage of using a crewing company is that you have the firsthand knowledge of what exactly the crew is going to cost you, thanks to the fixed cost hiring contract. This cost holds true and does not change over the duration of the contract. This is a valuable tool which helps in negotiating with banks for loans and vessel budgeting.

     • Saving on extra costs

When a firm hires employees on its own, it has to incur additional expenditure on their travel, training, and other staffing costs. If you add a crewing agency to the mix, all these expenses will be borne by them instead of you. As a wise man once said, a penny saved is a penny earned.

Ship owners often need to handle various situations related to their vessels. Hiring a dedicated crewing agency relieves owners from a ton of workload, and thus, enable them to focus on improving as well as expanding their business.

If you are looking for a Crew Recruitment Company in Singapore, then contact us! Our tailor-made solutions have benefitted numerous ship owners. For further information, drop a message @ enquiry@nimbusmaritime.com

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